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We Have Good Work To Do

A warm welcome dear friend,
I'm Minister Nicola Shortland-Neal, co-founder, CEO and proud owner of Fox Pioneer Centre Spiritual Community.
Even though I am an independent Spiritualist, I recognise and believe the gift of mediumship is separate from any religious faith which can each be fostered and nurtured independently of one another.
Therefore, it was my dream to create a respectful heart based non-denominational spiritual community that would cater for all that wish to explore and excel within their exploration into psychism and mediumship development, to discover their unique service to the glorious Spirit World, whilst providing a safe nurturing platform to practice what's learnt.
As the language of the soul and Spirit World is complete love, that is the foundation laid for our community to thrive.
I invite you to satisfy your curiosity and have a look around our site and subscribe to our mailing list below. Any questions, just click here
Much love, Minister Nicola Shortland-Neal
AMTSF, Prof. Member of AISM
We have a range of different opportunities and publications to support and enhance you on your spiritual journey.​​
COMING SOON - Online formal qualifications in mediumship, ministership and other aspects of the psychic sciences.​​​